Directed By: Michael Patrick Jann

Written By: Lona Williams

Score: Technical: 75, Story: 70, Acting: 65, Overall Score: 70%

In a small Minnesota town, a TV crew is covering the annual beauty pageant. Former winner Gladys Leeman wants to make sure her daughter follows in her footsteps. Explosions, falling lights, and trailer fires prove that. As the Leemans are the richest family in town the police are pretty relaxed about it all. Despite everything, main rival Amber Atkins won’t be stopped. There could well be more death and disappointment to come.

Film as a mocumentary it was done very well, there’s nothing special about it one documentary style film is just as good as another, if anything it is the story that makes this movie stand out. 

Receiving only Two Skipped Beats on the Roger Moore movie scale, this one was funny but lacked in the needs for the male audience.  If anything as a man watching the young chicks was good but Will Sasso made this movie what it was for me, he was absolutely hilarious in his role as the mentally challenged Hank, along with his brother Harold, the two made this movie for me, check it out if nothing more than just for these two acting together.  As always be afraid, be very afraid.  


Drop Dead Gorgeous