Animal Planet sent us the brand new clip “Boarding A Rival Ship” from their popular new series “Whale Wars”. The series follows Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd Conservation in a Chess Match at the Far End of the Globe between Hardline Non-Profit and Japanese Ships in a Battle to Stop Controversial Hunting.

“Whale Wars is an epic adventure that looks at the consequences of taking a stand on an issue,” said Marjorie Kaplan, president and general manager of Animal Planet. “It’s so important that Whale Wars calls Animal Planet its home. It’s truly compelling television, and it’s entertainment with a conservation message infused to its core.”

Sea Shepherd’s 2007-2008 campaign – and the story that Whale Wars tells – was named Operation Migaloo and was replete with many incidents for the international-born crew. Two of the most notable incidents included the capture of two of its crew – Benjamin Potts and Giles Lane – by one of the Japanese ships, and the gunshot inflicted upon Paul Watson, allegedly fired from one of the Japanese crew, according to Sea Shepherd. The Japanese fell nearly 500 whales short of the season’s quota, and according to Sea Shepherd and its standards, the 2007-2008 campaign was very successful. “Whaling has no place in the 21st century,” noted Watson. “Sea Shepherd will not stop until the killing ends.”

Among some of the crew members followed in Whale Wars are Paul Watson, captain; Peter Brown, 1st Mate; Peter Hammarstedt, 2nd Mate; Benjamin Potts, chief cook; Dr. Scott Bell, medical officer; Amber Paarman, quartermaster; Shannon Mann, quartermaster; David Jennings, bosun; Kim McCoy, quartermaster; Tod Emko, communications officer; Chris Aultman, helicopter pilot.

This new episode of “Whale Wars” airs November 14, at 9 PM e/p on Animal Planet.

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