Fox Pictures has picked up the live-action film rights to the Fourth Realm Trilogy by reclusive John Twelve Hawks.
Composed of “The Traveler,” “The Dark River” and “The Golden City”, the stories are set in an alternate world where society is controlled by a secret all-seeing cabal. A band of freedom fighters rebel against this, including Travelers, who are an almost-extinct line of people who can project their spirits across vast distances, and Harlequins, warrior companions who protect Travelers.
“Watchmen” co-writer Alex Tse will be adapting the sci-fi series, with Gil Netter (“The Blind Side”) and Andrew Tennenbaum (“The Bourne Identity”) are producing the adaptation, and Joe Regal is onboard to executive produce.
“Traveler” is set in a U.S. society run by a secret organization seeking to control the population via constant observation. Seeking to rebel against these constraints are an almost extinct group of people called Travelers, who can project their spirit into other dimensions, and their protectors, called Harlequins.
Stay tuned to for more on the project.
By Costa Koutsoutis (Source: The Hollywood Reporter)