There’s been one too many times that I’ve walked out of a theater before the credits finished rolling only to hear about a sneak peak hidden at the end. Then again, there’s also been one too many times I’ve sat through five minutes of scrolling text just to see a black screen. The moral of this story? There is no moral; you’ve just got to keep your eyes peeled for news like this.
According to the Italian site Bad Taste, there will be something waiting for you at the end of Iron Man 2. In fact, there will be two things, Thor and Captain America. In addition, this may also be the very first time the Avengers is referenced. Here’s the information SuperHeroHype received from the folks over at Bad Taste:
There is a very juicy news about Iron Man 2 on BadTaste today. A 100% trusted source (NOT from the production/distribution, but very familiar with the movie) confirmed us today that there will be an easter egg in IM2. It’s an extra scene, just like the one in the first movie, after the end credits. We are able to tell you what’s about! It’s a scene about… Captain America and Thor!
Okay, so while you may be a victim of watching the credits for nothing, at least there’s a chance you’ll catch a significant end credit clip. Clearly this information isn’t official by any means, but it does make sense. We all remember when Nick Fury strolled onto the screen post-Iron Man.
By Perri Nemiroff