Are you part of the mindset that making movies out of board games or toys is dumb? There’s been few and far between good movies that have risen from board games (“Clue”) or fun ones from cool toys (“Transformers”), but there’s always been a risk with making those films. Apparently Hasbro wants to continue taking more possibly rewarding movie-making risks with “Monopoly.” The movie has been rumored to be in development for awhile now, said to have Ridley Scott attached to direct, but the talk on the project has died down considerably.

During an interview, Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner happily talks about how the project is still alive and well. “‘Monopoly’ is still happening, and we’re developing a great story. It’s a very fun take. Ridley (Scott) is still the perfect creative steward, because he creates these great, fictionalized worlds. It’s going to be a very fun story to tell.”

That’s not all he had to say on the topic. Goldner continues on, telling everyone a pinch more about the overall plot. “It’s a very human and personal story. It’s not really ‘Wall Street,’ not at all,” he explained. “It’s a fictionalized story of a family, and there’s a lot of intrigue in the story. Suffice it to say, it’s a story about a family with a history, and we’re projecting that into current times. But it’s not ‘Wall Street.’ It’s more about property ownership and of the play-pattern of the game.”

Do you think Hasbro and company should still continue on making a “Monopoly” movie?

Source: MTV Movies Blog


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