Nicole Scherzinger, former “Pussy Cat Doll” lead singer is definitely full of surprises. Me being the Alpha Dog that I am, following the Pussy Cat Dolls was just not my cup of Kibbles and Bits. Then one day the clouds parted and the sun shined. The NBA playoff commercials began and Nicole Scherzinger Bolted out with some Led Zeppelin, and now… I see the light. A new found respect exist with-in me for the multi-talented performer. Damn, that woman can sing, dance, song-write and act, is there any thing she can’t do?? Well, that remains to be seen, cause now she has started a solo career and Nicole appears to be getting the job done.

With her solo debut ALBUM “Killer Love” set to hit a store near you this summer. Nicole has already banged out a couple of singles, that are coming on strong. “Don’t Hold Your Breath” peaked number one on the UK Singles Chart, which makes for her first number one hit as a soloist.  Now, Miss Scherzinger has a new single called “Right There”, being released with a video premiere. WOW! Can you say… Winning!!

Yours truly had a chance for a 30 second peek and if the earth came to an end tomorrow, I think I would be OK with that… with a big smile.

Nicole assuredly gets her “Milk Shak Shakin” in the video, if they don’t make carmel milk shake, somebody needs to jump on it… cause its selling. The fact that Nicole is talented goes without saying and so does the fact that she is a knock out. Trust that she knows what is up, Miss Scherzinger must wake up in the morning to humming birds singing and butterflies taking off her bed sheets.  Nicole is Core of the earth HOT!! 

Check out her full length premiere video “Right There” featuring 50 cent on VeVo tomorrow May 4,2011.

by Shawn Murphy

By smurphy

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