If you’re a fan of “Transformers” and you’re still jonsing for some more Autobot/Decepticon fights after seeing “Transformers: Dark of the Moon,” Roger Ebert has devoted an entire blog post to the evolution of Michael Bay and Hasbro’s favorite car creatures.

“As an admirer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, I have become fascinated by Transformers,” he states. He goes on to write, “I will avoid the obvious question: How did the inhabitants of Cybertron learn of modern human automobile designs?…A more difficult question is: How did intelligent beings evolve from base metals in a non-organic process? What Autobots look like on Cybertron we cannot know, but logic suggests they look like metal robots, however alien in form.”

To explain the Transformers, Ebert uses something that no one would expect him to use as his proof: Intelligent Design. “The advocates of ID…say that if a living organism has a design that cannot be explained by the theory of natural selection, it is proof of an Intelligent Designer. If you design a Camaro, wouldn’t it obviously have had a designer? Could its parts have been assembled by a hurricane (or a trillion hurricanes) blowing through a junkyard? Certainly not. Therefore, this is proof that Autobots were not assembled on Cybertron by hurricanes or any other means envisioned by Darwin, and were Intelligently Designed.”

In any case, it’s an interesting read on a holiday like today, a day a movie like “Transfomers” was made for. You can read the full blog article here.

Roger Ebert
More Than Meets The Eye

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

2 thoughts on “Roger Ebert Tackles The Evolution Of The Transformers”
  1. my guess is they were from a planet similar to ours with cars and the whole lot.  Then the all spark showed up and turned all the machines alive, they killed their masters and waged a war with eachother that spilled over onto our earth.

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