As a movie-goer, I’m someone who appreciates the art form of horror and gore films even though I don’t watch a lot of them (I get easily grossed out). However, this short film called “The Code” involves zombies, vampires, a Jason-esque character and Van Helsing (to an extent), and I still found it quite enjoyable.

The story starts out with two people on a date–Chad (Daylon Walton) and Vanna Helsing (Tamara Voss). Their date abruptly ends when a gang of zombies, let by Shaun (Taylor James Brandt) find them and want to eat them. However, the plan goes awry when Carl (Todd Terry), a chainsaw killer, shows up, going against the Google calendar Shaun had set for all of the things that go bump in the night as well as The Code, a book of undead/evil rules for how monsters are supposed to kill in a civilized manner.

This short film cleaned up house when it was shown at Houston’s Splatterfest, winning many awards including Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Kill, Best Splatter, Best Special Effects, Audience Favorite Film, Audience Favorite Story, Audience Favorite Kill and Audience Favorite Makeup. The short has also been shown on FunnyOrDie, wowing the audience and pulling out a 96% funny rating.

If you like gore in short increments (the film’s only six minutes!), then check out this short. If you’re a fan of zombies and the horror genre in general, you will get a kick out of how they turn characters such as zombies, serial killers and vampires on their heads and make them into anal-retentive group members checking Google for their next move. You can watch the film at by clicking here. You can also go to their official Facebook page to check out more about the short film.

the code poster

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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