This episode of “Project Runway All-Stars” gave the respected designers a highly difficult task–creating a haute couture gown for the opera in only one day. Lesser designers would have balked at the task and failed, but these designers proved why they are being called “All-Stars.”

If anyone had any cred to lose, it would be Austin Scarlett. During his season on “Project Runway” and throughout his career, he has made a name for himself when it comes to ball gowns. The pressure was on, and he was sure feeling it, but he cranked out something that was truly magnificent–a gold lamé 1930s-style dress with black tulle that looked expensive and chic. This dress gave him the win for this challenge.

However, he had stiff competition–Michael Costello’s black jersey knit dress was dramatic due to a black, bejeweled collar and a bare back save for one strip of jeweled fabric. It was a very daring dress and was really neck-and-neck with Austin’s, so Michael C. has shown himself to be the opposition to beat in this competition.

The loser in this round was Sweet P. Her orange-toned dress was too bathing-suity on top and too casual on the bottom. Isaac Mizrahi said that it reminded him too much of a prom dress, and he’s right.

So one more bites the dust! What do you think will happen next week when the contestants have to make clothes for Miss Piggy? Give your ideas below in the comments section.

Project Runway All-Stars Episode 2

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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