The race to determine who will be Donald Trump’s running mate this November took a major step forward last week with the acceleration of vetting multiple potential candidates. Political insiders with deep knowledge of presidential campaigns say there is one possible name on the former president’s shortlist that Democrats “fear” the most.

Trump’s campaign recently entered the next phase of the running mate search by requesting documents from several prospective contenders, including Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Since running against Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries, Rubio has grown to be a staunch ally of the former president.

“Rubio is a familiar face who has become one of the strongest voices in the Senate for the America First agenda, is excellent on TV, and can blast Biden effectively for his failed policies,” one top GOP strategist commented.

Trump is performing exceptionally well with Latino voters, and adding Rubio to the ticket could significantly bolster this support. “Rubio would be a solid, safe pick, with a lot of upside,” the strategist added.

GOP strategist Matt Wolking, who served as deputy communications director for Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign, described Rubio as “an effective, disciplined communicator who rarely makes mistakes.” Wolking highlighted that Rubio is the only contender under consideration who speaks another language. His ability to speak Spanish would help the Trump campaign reach Hispanic voters in key states such as Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Virginia, New York, and Florida.

“While demonstrating his ability to win a slightly higher percentage of White voters in 2022 than Trump did in Florida in 2020, Rubio also appeals to the suburban and independent voters that will be key to Trump’s success. He is the only contender from a true battleground state,” Wolking noted.

Rubio’s potential selection as VP brings a strategic balance to the ticket, a significant advantage over other options. These reasons are why many Democrats fear the selection of Rubio the most. This sentiment was echoed in a May Vanity Fair article, specifically highlighting some of those worries.

As the vetting process continues, it remains to be seen who will ultimately join Trump on the ticket. However, the possibility of Marco Rubio stepping into the VP role has already generated significant buzz and apprehension among Democratic circles.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.