1. Take walking stick from green bin next to door and RED triangle from behind it.

2. Turn right and take round thing from bowl. Look at picture of snowman on paper in front of you.

3. Click behind the bowl and click on mat to get chisel.

4. Turn right, select walking stick and click on top of cupboard. You now have a branch.

5. Turn right again and click on green poster. Click on its top to get back view select branch and click on hole to get candle from it.

6. Go back to first view and click on back of shelves. Select branch and take another branch stuck in back of shelves.

7. Turn to view of cupboard.select chisel to open cupboard select candle and click on snowman (looks like towels). Now you can put branches on it.

8. Put round thing and both branches on snowman (right one in inventory on right side and left one on left side. also check drawing of snowman).

9. You will hear a click and can now open the bottom drawer which has a safe if you scrape the top of shelves with chisel you will get the order for code in safe check the chisel, candle and walking stick to find numbers on it.

10. The code for the safe is 251.

11. Get an ORANGE triangle from safe. Click on back of safe to get BLUE triangle.

12. Go back to top cupboard and view the spinning top starting from yellow one and going clockwise put triangles in this order in top ORANGE RED BLUE.

13. Click on top to get KEY. Use key on door and you’re OUT!!!!

By admin

Managing Editor at Shockya.com, visit our About Us page for contact details.

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