ComingSoon has the newest trailer of the ThunderCats animated series, which premiered at the WonderCon this weekend. The trailer, which shows the revamped versions of Lion-O, Cheetara, and everyone else except Panthero (why is Panthero not in the trailer!?), shows epic battles in what looks like a civil war between Mumm-Ra and the unnamed kingdom of cat people. The last time I remember watching the old version of “ThunderCats”, it wasn’t as epic as the new version, which feels more like “Avatar: The Last Airbender” in its large scale and serious tone.
Also, the animation style, like “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, is more anime than American-style, so if you’re a fan of anime, then this show is right up your alley. In fact, it seems like they’re actively trying to get “Avatar: The Last Airbender” fans; as I said in another story about the revamped “ThunderCats”, Cartoon Network seems to be aiming at getting the magic (and ratings) Nickelodeon received from “Airbender”.
In any case, Cartoon Network has ordered 26 episodes of the series, and the story has been set up for longer; according to the article, double the number of episodes bought have already been outlined. As far as the 26 episodes are concerned, the series will find the group of heroes traveling through Third Earth fighting to protect the planet. Vehicles, such as the Thundertank, and the Skycutter, which are shown in the trailer, will be in play in the series, as well as other vehicles.
Check out the trailer below. What do you think of the new reboot?