The popular women’s network Lifetime is undergoing a full revamp with a new tag line that reads “”Your Life Your Time”, according to the Hollywood Reporter. In an attempt to change their image, the network has also redesigned their well known logo with plans to show it off to fans during 30 and 60 second spots throughout their programming with a campaign across multiple platforms.
Talking about their new look, Nancy Dubuc from Lifetime shared,”You only have one shot to do this. It’s not like you can go out and put a stake in the ground and claim a brand position and redo your on-air look every two years.” She also spoke about the new logo adding “I like to call it the hair-on-fire moment. The reaction among the women was really quite profound. It spoke to everyone. But it meant something different to every woman at the table, which to me was the perfect answer. Now, many of the men looked at their watches. We all said, ‘You’re missing the point, boys!” The Lifetime Network’s Tim Nolan, Senior Vice President, called it “the next step with a distinctive new look and attitude. Embracing everything we love about life, Lifetime strives to be as brash as it is honest and always entertaining.”
What do you think about Lifetime’s new logo? Drop us your comments below.