Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., is taking a stand against what he calls “Bidenomics” with the introduction of the “No American Climate Corps Act.” The bill aims to block federal funds from being allocated to the creation of an American Climate Corps or any similar program. Good argues that President Biden’s focus on climate initiatives is exacerbating the financial challenges faced by Americans.

“Americans are struggling to make ends meet because of Bidenomics. Instead of recognizing that family budgets are already stretched thin by sky-high energy prices, President Biden is focused on deploying a climate army that will increase regulatory burdens on business owners and drive inflation across the economy even higher,” Good told Fox News Digital.

The core objective of Good’s bill is to combat what he sees as Biden’s “climate extremism” and to redirect efforts toward achieving American energy independence. The clash between environmental initiatives and economic concerns is at the forefront of this legislative move.

President Biden launched the American Climate Corps program in late September, with the ambitious goal of recruiting over 20,000 individuals for workforce training and service initiatives. However, Good’s bill, which aims to thwart this program, asserts that Biden plans to allocate a staggering $30 billion of taxpayer money to support his climate change army.

“In this new attempt to mimic FDR’s New Deal, President Biden has announced he will spend $30 billion of taxpayer money for his climate change army,” a one-pager of Good’s bill obtained by Fox News Digital said.

Furthermore, the bill contends that the broader Democratic agenda, including bills like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Acceleration Act, will contribute to over $500 billion in climate spending. Good argues that this approach will only intensify the purported climate change-fueled assault on American energy independence.

The push for a civilian climate corps has been a progressive agenda since the early days of Biden’s presidency. This move by Rep. Bob Good sets the stage for a heated debate on the balance between environmental priorities and economic considerations.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.