Former President Trump is firing back after a New York judge ordered him to pay nearly $355 million in a civil fraud case, slamming the decision as yet another example of what he calls “undeniable election interference.” In a defiant message to his supporters, Trump decried the ruling as part of a broader pattern of persecution, citing past incidents like the raid on his home and his removal from the ballot in two states.

“First, they raided my home, arrested me, and took my mugshot. Then they had me illegally removed from the ballot in two states. And now, a Democrat judge ruled against me in New York,” Trump declared. “This is undeniable election interference! We need a massive peaceful pushback right here, right now.”

The ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron comes after a lengthy trial during which Trump frequently criticized both the judge and the prosecutor. Despite Trump’s objections, the judge delivered a verdict that could have significant implications for Trump’s business empire. The decision is expected to be appealed, prolonging the legal battle that has shadowed Trump since leaving the White House.

Trump’s call for a “massive peaceful pushback” reflects his ongoing efforts to rally his supporters and mobilize political action in response to what he perceives as unjust treatment. By framing the ruling as election interference, Trump aims to galvanize support and portray himself as a victim of political persecution.

As Trump continues to fight legal battles and maintain his political influence, his message serves as a rallying cry for his supporters to stand by him in the face of adversity. Despite the setback, Trump remains defiant, signaling his willingness to continue fighting both in the courts and on the political stage.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.