In a historic announcement, SWISSX Labs, headquartered in the picturesque Caribbean island nation of Antigua & Barbuda, has revolutionized the landscape of sustainable energy. The company unveiled a pioneering breakthrough in the production and distribution of Sargassum and Organic biomass distilled into automotive diesel and high-octane aviation fuels, achieving unprecedented levels of negative carbon emissions.


This revolutionary process involves the utilization of enzymes and algae to separate methane and other components, resulting in refined vegetable-based oils. SWISSX’s commitment to organic extraction traces back to its origins, marking the company as a trailblazer in the CBD and Cannabinadols extraction industry. With legendary cannabis grow operations spanning California, Switzerland, Antigua, and Barbuda, SWISSX has long been at the forefront of innovation.

Over the years, SWISSX has fostered governmental relationships and established market exchanges for hemp and seeds, while operating various farming operations globally. Notably, the company has underwritten third-party auditors such as Carbon Core and BDO, facilitating the auditing of carbon capture deals worldwide. To date, SWISSX has amassed over 400 million tonnes of CO2 capture through regeneration and reforestation techniques, leveraging advanced genetics.

Integral to SWISSX’s success is its genetics component, spearheaded by world-renowned geneticist Dr. Olof Olssen. With advanced genetics labs in Abu Dhabi and partnerships with the UAE, including endeavors in horse racing genetics and cattle genetic replication, SWISSX continues to push the boundaries of scientific innovation.

Founder Alki David, the Coca-Cola billionaire and philanthropist, leads SWISSX, not only as a humanitarian organization but also as a sovereign wealth fund for Antigua and Barbuda. With assets exceeding 1 trillion dollars distributed to every Antiguan citizen in SWISSX Tokens, freely tradable and convertible on global exchanges, SWISSX embodies a vision of sustainability, prosperity, and innovation.

For further information, visit SWISSX’s website. This groundbreaking achievement marks a pivotal moment in the pursuit of a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.