Tesla is gearing up to ramp up Tesla Semi deliveries to PepsiCo, its primary customer, as it prepares for the electric semi truck’s mass production phase. The Tesla Semi program, which has faced notable delays, is finally gaining momentum.

Initially unveiled in 2017, the Tesla Semi was expected to enter production by 2019. However, it wasn’t until late 2022 that production actually commenced, and since then, it has been in extremely limited production. For over a year, the Tesla Semi was primarily used internally by Tesla and by PepsiCo.

Tesla has recently announced plans to enter volume production of the electric truck by late next year, with broader customer deliveries starting in 2026. Meanwhile, PepsiCo remains the main customer for the Tesla Semi, showcasing the company’s commitment to sustainable transportation solutions.

Dan Priestley, head of the Tesla Semi program, addressed the status and future of the program at the ACT Expo. Priestley candidly acknowledged the delays, stating, “Now, I know, as alluded to, there’s been some questions on timing. But Tesla has a specialty and that is turning the impossible into merely late.” He emphasized the challenges of electric heavy trucking, adding, “I think that there are some narratives that seem to think that electric heavy trucking is still impossible. You might hear someone say that it’s really hard. Well, guess what, it is really hard. We’ve been doing it, but it is absolutely worth doing, and we do not enter this industry lightly.”

PepsiCo’s commitment to the Tesla Semi highlights the potential for electric trucks to revolutionize logistics and supply chains. As Tesla aims to scale up production, the company is set to redefine the future of commercial transportation.

The increased delivery of Tesla Semis to PepsiCo is a crucial step toward achieving this vision. By focusing on high-volume production, Tesla is addressing the demand for sustainable and efficient heavy-duty trucks. This move not only underscores Tesla’s innovative capabilities but also its dedication to overcoming challenges in the pursuit of groundbreaking technological advancements.

Tesla’s progress with the Semi program marks a significant milestone in the electric vehicle industry. As the company prepares for larger-scale production and wider customer deliveries, the impact on reducing carbon emissions and improving sustainability in transportation becomes increasingly evident.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.