The video to Lady Gaga’s controversial single “Judas” has been leaked today before its official debut on FOX on “American Idol”. Entertainment Weekly is one of the many places you can watch the video (you can also watch it after this reading this post; see the video embedded below), and their verdict sounds something like “Meh.”
According to the site, the video doesn’t have much in the way of religious imagery as much as it lives up to the motorcycle theme found on the cover of the “Born This Way” album. To quote Christian Blauvelt of Entertainment Weekly, “To be honest, it’s hard to image how exactly this would offend Christians. Sure, the clip presents a motorcycle-gang retelling of Jesus’ betrayal at the hands of the most reviled, though perhaps most important, disciple. But no less than St. Francis of Assisi inaugurated the idea of setting Nativities and passion plays in local, non-Middle Eastern settings.” According to Blauvelt, the only thing wrong in the video is the choreography.
What do you think about Lady Gaga’s “Judas” music video? If you find it offensive to Christianity, why? Or, do you not care at all about this video? Give your opinions for or against in the comments section below.
Source: Entertainment Weekly