Title: And While We Were Here

Directed by: Kat Corio

Starring: Kate Bosworth, Claire Bloom, Jamie Blackley

Running time: 83 Minutes, Rated R, Available on VOD

A young married couple travel to Italy’s island of Ischia for work. The husband Leonard (Iddo Goldberg) is a British violist and Jane (Kate Bosworth) is an American working on a biography of her deceased grandmother whom lived through WW2 in Britain. While Leonard is working, Jane goes sightseeing to find some inspiration in order to write and runs into Caleb (Jamie Blackley) a perpetual American traveler whom is much younger than Jane. The two find a friendship that develops into an affair. Once the tour in Italy is over, does she stay with Caleb or go home with Leonard?

The Positive: This film will appeal to the bored housewives, or those that watch Lifetime and read romance novels.

The Negative: It’s a recycled storyline and you know exactly how it ends: She chooses herself. She has two other options: a passionless, childless marriage or a younger man whom is too young for her. Does she ever finish her novel? The subject matter that we’re forced to hear snippets of throughout the film doesn’t seem that interesting to begin with. She’d be better off writing her own story about her time in Italy. Sex is always a better seller.

The acting was good, the scenery was beautiful, the story was tired.

Total Rating: C

Reviewed by: JM Willis

And While We Were Here Movie

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