A nearly blind woman was told at the polls she already voted–and it’s just one of a many major ballot problems Trump is fighting in Nevada

Shockya’s operatives in Nevada have revealed the case of Jill Stoke, a local woman who went to her polling place to vote and was told she had already done so by mail. This is just the kind of thing the Trump camp feared and that the campaign is fighting in the courts nationwide. In Nevada, especially, it is expected that many of the uncounted ballots are fraudulently handled mail-in ballots.

That’s why the movement to #StopTheCount is centering on Las Vegas and mobs of people are putting pressure on vote counting facilities where they believe the vast majority of ballots will prove to be from people who live out-of-state.  

What’s even more disturbing is that no one even says how many  ballots there are to be counted. Clark County Voting Registrar Joe Gloria says he has literally no idea how many there are.

“That is a number I cannot tell you (how many ballots are left to count). I do not know how many ballots will come through the mail,” Gloria told Fox News. “I can’t count the mail ballots until they are all delivered.”

A protester outside in a MAGA hat had a different take: “How many ballots are there left? If you’re part of the corrupt, pro-socialist machine that has taken over the state the answer is, ‘As many ballots as we need to ‘find’ to make sure our guy wins!’”

By Jeff Stevens

Husband, father, movie+review advocate, BAMF, hair icon, pantsuits are for losers. Posts from Jeff signed -J all others by merciless robots.

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