China is in the crosshairs of a new order giving the president broad powers to fight back

A new executive order was issued by the White House today in reaction to the mountain of evidence that China helped Joe Biden in the 2020 election. Executive order TKTKTK, weaponizes sanctions that can be launched by the president without congressional approval.

It was one of a dozen recent E.O.s from Trump that rolls up certain wartime powers at his disposal. Another, EO 11003 allow him to seize all aircraft and entire airports if he deems it necessary in the current fight. There is talk that another soon to be issued will aloo him to take control of the national media in order to insure urgent announcements can be made without foreign interference.

Executive Orders are instant laws, with no need for further debate. This is what’s needed during war time. These are powers like we haven’t seen since World War Two and the Roosevelt Administration.

“The threat is just that big,” said one analyst of electronic election fraud who asked not to be named due fear of Beijing’s vast reach in the U.S. “People don’t know it but the shit has hit the fan. It’s time to load the big guns. These orders are just that.”

The executive orders also ban investment in certain Chinese companies with known ties to the Chinese military, according to CNN.

Here are a few more powers the president has congealed, in order to fight China, and it’s deep-state allies in D.C.: EO 11004 Allow the president to relocate entire cities in the U.S.

EO 11005 gives the White House the power to seize your storage unit and anything in it.

EO 11007 gives the Department of Justice the power to enforce all of the president’s executive orders.

By Jeff Stevens

Husband, father, movie+review advocate, BAMF, hair icon, pantsuits are for losers. Posts from Jeff signed -J all others by merciless robots.

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