Popular British Crime Drama based on the crime novels of the same name, the show is based on the adventures of Hercule Poirot, the famous Belgian Detective. On his travels and visits to family and friends, Poirot comes across mysterious murders which he helps solve. The Police take his help in many cases to get his view and help solve the case. His reputation, strong deduction skills and observant nature makes him come to the right conclusions and see through the various webs instantly solving the mystery. It is one of the most popular British Crime dramas of all times. It is a treat to watch Poirot with his distinct mannerisms, quirks, and his ability to see through people.
In this episode, While in Belgium, Poirot recounts to Chief Inspector Japp a case from twenty years prior. During his early days in the Belgian police, he investigated the suspicious death of the young politician Paul Deloraud, at the request of the charming Virginia.
Watch this episode of Agatha Christie’s Poirot, the exciting British Crime Drama, airing on itv3 on FilmOn TV at 15:50hrs GMT. It can be watched live or recorded and viewed later.
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