Animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has teamed up with artificial intelligence language model ChatGPT to give the Bible’s Book of Genesis a “vegan” makeover. The new version is part of a wider effort by PETA to spread its message of compassion for all living beings and promote a cruelty-free lifestyle.

According to PETA, the “vegan” version of Genesis aims to “send a can’t-be-missed animal rights message filled with vegan teachings.” In this version, animals are referred to as “beings” rather than “beasts” or “creatures,” and plants like hemp and bamboo are used for clothing instead of animal skins because “no one with any fashion or moral sense would wear animal skins in the 21st century.”

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk says the aim of the project is to show that “a loving God would never endorse exploitation of or cruelty to animals.” “The Bible has long been used to justify all forms of oppression, so we’ve used ChatGPT to make it clear,” she adds. “It took God only six days to create the entire world, but we realized it would take us years to rewrite the whole Bible, which is why we’ve started with just the first book.”

One of the changes in the new version of Genesis is found in Chapter 22, where Abraham travels to the land of Moriah. Instead of slaughtering a ram to demonstrate his faith, he “befriends a gentle lamb to show his reverence and respect for God’s creation.” This is just one example of how the revised text promotes a vegan lifestyle and emphasizes the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect.

The new “vegan” version of Genesis is sure to stir up controversy among religious groups and animal rights advocates alike. However, PETA hopes that its message will resonate with a wide audience and encourage more people to make the switch to a cruelty-free lifestyle.

In conclusion, PETA’s “vegan” version of the Bible’s Book of Genesis is a bold attempt to spread its message of compassion and promote a cruelty-free lifestyle. The new version aims to send a strong animal rights message and emphasize the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect. While some may view the revised text as controversial, PETA hopes that it will encourage more people to make the switch to a vegan lifestyle.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.