Mysterious Circumstances and Legal Drama:

Image of Gloria Allred appearing with Alki David and Lisa Bloom and Kato Kaelin on HLN with Dr Drew

Barry Rothman’s Death: Rothman, an attorney working for Hollywood Media Mogul Alki David, died under mysterious circumstances in a dentist’s chair. This event marked the beginning of a series of unfortunate incidents involving lawyers associated with David.

In a shocking development that reads like a script from a Hollywood thriller, new evidence has emerged in the form of text messages that were previously buried. These messages reveal a complex and sinister web of collusion and conspiracy involving some of the most prominent figures in the Los Angeles legal scene. The epicenter of this legal storm is media mogul Alkiviades David, whose life seems to be a magnet for high-stakes drama and legal intrigue.

  • Impact of Rothman’s Death: Following his demise, it is alleged that crucial evidence and documents related to his work in support of Alki David were lost or buried. This loss may have significantly impacted the ongoing legal battles and David’s defense.
  • Exoneration of Alki David: Recently, new evidence has surfaced, reportedly exonerating Alki David and exposing a conspiracy against him by Tom Girardi and Gloria Allred. READ MORE
  • This development could potentially reshape the narrative around David’s legal and personal challenges, casting new light on previous accusations and lawsuits.

New Evidence: Text Messages and a Conspiracy

  • Central Figures: The uncovered text messages involve Chasity Jones, Elizabeth Taylor, and others, allegedly colluding with well-known attorneys Gloria Allred and Tom Girardi. The Evidence was buried after the untimley death of attonery Barry Rothman representing Alki David.
  • Mary Rizzo: The TEXT MESSAGES came from a former employee who initially accused David of misconduct and later changed her accusations. She then communicated these changes to her lawyer, Dana Cole, who subsequently relayed a revised statement, along with the relevant text messages, to Barry Rothman. Dana Cole supports Alki David today and his efforts to clear his name.
  • “I didn’t read the messages at the time they were on a thumb drive” said Dana Cole, “I just handed the thumb drive to Barry (Rothman)”


  • Target: These messages suggest a coordinated effort to file malicious and wrongful prosecutions against Alkiviades David, a business mogul known for his innovative Hologram technology and high-profile entertainment ventures.

  • Convicted Murder Terry Vance Luce attempts to break in to Alki David’s Malibu Home READ MORE

Ongoing Legal Battles

1. Alkiviades David and Associates vs. Los Angeles County Superior Court in the Court of Appeals: Download Alkiviades David – Writ of Prohibition FileStamped

  • Legal Challenge: David and his companies are challenging the actions of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, seeking a writ of prohibition. They claim that civil liability orders and enforcement of judgments are void due to extrinsic fraud by attorneys linked to Thomas Vincent Girardi.


MK above refers to Mahim Kahn

The Dark Underbelly of LA’s Legal World

  • Joseph Chora: Described as a henchman in the Girardi syndicate, Chora is embroiled in several unethical practices and is linked to multiple criminal activities, including suspected involvement in attempted murders on David.
  • Corrupt Sheriff Gangs: The narrative extends to corrupt sheriff gangs in LA, allegedly hired by individuals like Chora for nefarious purposes.
  • Targeted Attacks on David: From illegal searches of his Malibu residence to targeted harassment of his close associates and service dog, the extent of the alleged conspiracy against David is extensive and deeply troubling.

A Billion-Dollar Tort Suit and International Investigations

  • Legal Counterattack: Alkiviades David is not just defending himself but also actively pursuing legal action against those implicated in this web of deceit, including a billion-dollar tort suit and anti-trust cases.
  • Global Repercussions: The case has international dimensions, with investigations in Greece and Switzerland concerning attempts to steal David’s property.

The Need for Justice and Accountability

This case is more than a legal battle; it’s a dramatic saga that highlights the potential for abuse within the legal system and the need for accountability. As Alkiviades David continues to fight against what appears to be a coordinated attack on his life and legacy, the unfolding story is a stark reminder of the intricate and often shadowy interplay of power, law, and ethics in today’s society.

  • A deeper dive reveals a complex web of legal, corporate, and personal challenges faced by Alki David, marked by high-profile lawsuits, corporate battles, and personal vendettas.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.