Arizona lawmakers have taken a significant step in the ongoing battle over immigration policy. On Tuesday, they approved a ballot measure that will allow voters to decide whether illegal immigration should be made a state crime. The measure, known as the “Secure the Border Act,” aims to give local authorities greater power to address illegal border crossings.

If passed in the upcoming November election, this measure would make illegally entering Arizona from Mexico a criminal offense. This would empower local police to arrest and jail migrants suspected of crossing the border outside designated entry points. Additionally, state judges would be authorized to deport individuals convicted under this new law.

The measure passed Arizona’s Republican-controlled Legislature strictly along party lines. It will be placed on the ballot during a presidential election year that sees incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden facing off against former President Donald Trump in the critical swing state of Arizona.

Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma voiced strong support for the measure, highlighting the perceived dangers of open borders. “Nothing good comes from open borders,” Toma stated. “Only crime, deadly drugs, violence, unsafe communities, and an unending financial drain on American taxpayers. Yet, Democrat leaders fiercely oppose doing anything about it.”

Toma emphasized the frustration among Arizonans regarding the current state of border security. “Arizonans have had enough and want change. They want safe communities and a secure border. House Republicans do too,” he added.

The “Secure the Border Act” represents a broader effort by Arizona Republicans to address illegal immigration at the state level. If approved by voters, it would mark a significant shift in how Arizona handles immigration enforcement, potentially setting a precedent for other states grappling with similar issues.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.